A Love Problem

I have come to a conclusion that it’s always difficult to do something when it is not done out of love.

I have learned so much about Lordship today than all other days. One, because a lot of other Victory friends have blogged about their Lordship stories (see links to their blog entries below). Two, because when I asked what the Lord wants me to specifically learn today, he gave me two things:

1. A verse.

Mark 12-30

LOVE THE LORD. Interesting how the verse didn’t directly say “Love God” or “Love the Messiah (Savior).” To love the Lord means to love the master, the supreme authority.

This verse is referred to as the Greatest Commandment. I’d say it also is easily the hardest. Hard as it is to love, it’s even harder to love and and give up every right (you think) you have at the same time.

WITH ALL YOUR HEART. Would you let go of a relationship because God is specifically telling you to? Would you give up your heart’s desires to give way to His?

WITH ALL YOUR SOUL. Would you choose to overlook an offense in order to honor Him? Would you decide to forgive the people who hurt you because that is what pleases Him? Are your emotions – every hurt, every pain, every frustration – surrendered to Him knowing that He is and will always be in control?

WITH ALL YOUR MIND. Do you deliberately sort through your thoughts and decide daily to discard whatever is NOT true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy?

WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH. Have you decided to fight for your love for HIM on a daily basis?

Difficult. Hard. Impossible.

But what is difficult and hard and impossible becomes doable when somebody else has done it. Jesus embraced the cross for and out of love.


2. A statement that drove the point home:

A Lordship problem is a love problem.

I think of the many times I grumbled, disobeyed, lied, slandered, harbored anger and hatred and realized that I have grieved Him that many times because I chose to love myself more than I love Him. And yet He covers my wrongs with more love.

Submitting to His lordship is not about obeying a set of rules for fear of discipline and punishment. Today, I understand even more that being under His lordship is moving and living in love and perfect love drives out fear.

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Check out these other blogs on Lordship:

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